Payment Method
What safe payment methods are accepted?
We accept all major payment methods with Shopify Payments:
- Credit Cards & Debit Cards directly: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners, CUP, JCB, and Maestro
- Apple Pay
Protect our customers
- PCI-compliant payment processing. PCI Security Standards Council is a globally recognized organization dedicated to maintaining standards for the secure processing of credit card transactions. It helps vendors, like Shopify and Shopify merchants, process credit card payments securely and protect cardholder information.
- Shopify is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant. For more information, see the PCI page.
- Secure on-site and in-app checkout with HTTPS/TLS data encryption.
- 3D Secure 2 authentication at checkout for EU card payments / supports 3D Secure checkouts.